Streamlining Django Testing with Pytest, Factory Boy, and Fixtures

February 17, 2024

In the realm of backend development, robust testing isn't just beneficial—it's essential. Testing acts as your code's safety net, ensuring that each change introduces improvements, not bugs. This blog post is your guide to upgrading your Django testing skills with Pytest, Factory Boy, and fixtures.

Why Elevate Your Testing Game?

What You'll Learn

In this post, we'll streamline your Django testing workflow. Expect to dive into:

Project Setup

Starting with a Django project setup ensures we're all on the same page. If you're working within an existing project, adjust these steps as needed. You can find the complete code for this tutorial in the Django Test Tutorial GitHub repository.

# Create a new Django project
mkdir django-test-tutorial && cd django-test-tutorial
python -m venv env  # Create a virtual environment
source env/bin/activate  # Activate the environment
pip install django
django-admin startproject djangotesttutorial  # Start your Django project
cd djangotesttutorial
django-admin startapp testapp  # Create your Django app

# Install testing dependencies
pip install pytest pytest-django factory-boy

Configuration (pytest.ini)

Properly configure Pytest by creating a pytest.ini file at the root of your project (where is located):


This configuration tells Pytest where to find your Django settings.

Models and Factories

Defining Models

For our examples, we'll use a blog application. Here are some model definitions:

# testapp/
from django.db import models
from django.contrib.auth.models import User

class BlogPost(models.Model):
    title = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    content = models.TextField()
    author = models.ForeignKey(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
    published_date = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
    is_published = models.BooleanField(default=False)

Why Factory Boy?

Testing in Django often requires setting up objects in the database to mimic the conditions your code will encounter in a live environment. This setup can be tedious and error-prone, especially when dealing with complex models or relationships. Factory Boy offers an elegant solution to these challenges.

Creating Factories

In our Django testing setup, we define factories for our models to streamline the process of generating test data:

# testapp/
import factory
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from testapp.models import BlogPost

class UserFactory(factory.django.DjangoModelFactory):
    class Meta:
        model = User
    username = factory.Faker('user_name')

class BlogPostFactory(factory.django.DjangoModelFactory):
    class Meta:
        model = BlogPost
    title = "Factory Generated Title"
    content = factory.Faker('paragraph')
    author = factory.SubFactory(UserFactory)

In this example:

Building Tests with Factory Boy

Generating Test Objects

We start by writing a test for our BlogPost model using the BlogPostFactory:

# testapp/
from testapp.factories import BlogPostFactory

def test_blog_post_creation(db):
    post = BlogPostFactory()
    assert is not None
    assert post.title == "Factory Generated Title"

Customization: Beyond Defaults

Factories allow for easy customization of test objects:

def test_custom_blog_post(db):
    post = BlogPostFactory(title="My Custom Title", is_published=True)
    assert post.title == "My Custom Title"
    assert post.is_published

Fixtures: Efficient Setup and Teardown

Pytest fixtures enable a structured approach to managing test dependencies, ensuring that each test function has access to the exact state it requires to run correctly.

Creating a Fixture

Fixtures in pytest simplify the process of preparing test data and environment setup. Here's how you can define a basic fixture:

import pytest
from testapp.factories import UserFactory

def test_user():
    return UserFactory(username='testuser')

This test_user fixture utilizes Factory Boy to create a user instance, demonstrating how fixtures can integrate with other testing tools to streamline data preparation.

Using Fixtures in Tests

By incorporating fixtures into your tests, you create isolated and reproducible test environments. Each test receives precisely the setup it needs, no more and no less, enhancing test reliability and execution clarity:

def test_blog_post_author(test_user):
    post = BlogPostFactory(author=test_user)
    assert == 'testuser'

Advanced Testing Techniques with Scoped Fixtures

The real power of pytest fixtures lies in their scope management, allowing for varied levels of resource reuse across tests. This flexibility is crucial for optimizing test execution by reusing expensive setup operations only as often as necessary.

Understanding Fixture Scope

The scope of a fixture dictates how often it is set up and torn down:

Scoped fixtures reduce the time and resources required to run tests by minimizing redundant setup and teardown operations. For instance, a session-scoped fixture that prepares a database with test data at the session's start eliminates the need to load this data before each test or module, significantly speeding up test suites that rely on a common data.

For this example, we'll focus on session-scoped fixtures.

Defining a Session-Scoped Fixture

Let's say we have ten blog posts that need to be loaded into our test database we want to create a blog_posts session-scoped fixture that loads ten published posts once at the beginning of the test session into the test database:

def blog_posts(django_db_setup, django_db_blocker):
    with django_db_blocker.unblock():
        BlogPostFactory.create_batch(size=10, is_published=True)

Using a scoped fixture with django-pytest is not as straightforward as with regular pytest, but it's still possible. The documentation for it is somewhat hidden, but you can find it here. It uses django_db_setup to ensure the database is ready for Django tests and django_db_blocker to temporarily lift the database access restriction that pytest-django enforces outside of test functions.

Using the Fixture in Tests

Any test that requires this data can simply declare blog_posts as a parameter. The creation operation will be performed once at the beginning of the session, and the data will be available for all tests:

# testapp/tests/
def test_blog_post_publication_status(db, blog_posts):
    assert BlogPost.objects.filter(is_published=True).count() == 10

Benefits of Session-Scoped Fixtures

Key Takeaways

You can find the complete code for this tutorial in the Django Test Tutorial GitHub repository.

Further Reading

Here are a few more ressources that helped me to write this article and that you might find useful as well: